Larodan events and engagements

See activities, events and conferences that we participate in.

Biophysical Society of Canada 2019 Meeting: May 28-31 in Mississauga, Ontario


Larodan will be exhibiting at and sponsoring this year’s BSC Meeting, which will take place at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). The University of Toronto, Canada’s largest university, is composed of three campuses with the Mississauga campus (UTM) situated just west of the downtown Toronto core on 225 acres of protected greenbelt. 

The 2019 meeting will commence with an opening reception on May 28th, and run for three full days through the 31st.  The symposium will consist of a series of professionalism and skills development training sessions, as well as provide a venue for trainees to share their research accomplishments and network with their peers.

Read more about the meeting at:

Yeast Lipid Conference 2019 on May 22-24, 2019 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Larodan will be sponsoring the Yeast Lipid Conference 2019, taking place from May 22-24, 2019 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The Yeast Lipid Conference (YLC) is an international scientific meeting held biannually. These conferences promote information exchange and free discussion between scientists working on, or interested in any aspect of yeast or fungal lipids. YLC 2019 will cover topics ranging from metabolism of phospholipids and sterols, protein-membrane interactions, to yeasts as a platform for lipid production and a model for studies of molecular mechanisms involved in human pathogenesis.

Read more about the conference here.

DGF MCPD and Glycidyl esters Symposium on May 21-22, 2019 in Berlin, Germany

Larodan will be sponsoring the DGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft) symposium, taking place May 21-22, 2019 in Berlin Germany.

The aim of the 2nd symposium is to give an up-date on the status and knowledge of all aspects of MCPD esters and glycidyl esters in oils and food. More than ten years after the first findings of 3-MCPD esters in vegetable fats & oils, qualified experts will discuss relevant aspects of formation and mitigation during oil and food processing, new developments in analytics and the toxicological assessment of the esters and approaches taken for their regulation.

Read more about the symposium here.

DGF Membrane Lipids Conference on May 9-10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany

Larodan will be sponsoring the DGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft) conference on membrane lipids, taking place from May 9-10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany.

The aim of this conference is to bring togather scientists and students from all over the world who are interested in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and cell biology of membrane lipids research. Read more about the conference here.


2019 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo on May 5-8 in St. Louis, Missouri

Larodan sponsors and exhibits at the AOCS (American Oil and Chemists’ Society) 2019 annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri on May 5-8, the expo will be held at America’s Center Convention Center. Please visit us in our booth, number is #328. 

We will also sponsor a 5k run during the event!

The AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo is a premier international science and business form on fats, oils proteins, surfactants and related materials. Known for its extensive technical program, the Annual Meeting features more than 650 oral and poster presentations within 12 interest areas. 

In addition to the three days of technical sessions, Annual Meeting features an Opening Plenary and Celebration, Hot Topic Symposia, Expo, Business Meeting, and a variety of networking events, including a 5K Fun Run/Walk and Member Appreciation Luncheon. The Annual Meeting provides ample opportunities for attendees to learn, reconnect with colleagues, engage with new business contacts and meet with exhibitors.

Over 1,500 professionals from more than 40 countries attend the Annual Meeting, representing the industry’s most prestigious corporate, government and academic institutions.

Read more about the meeting:

Life Science Exhibits: UCSF Mission Bay – April 25, 2019


Larodan will be exhibiting at the Life Science Exhibits vendor show at UCSF Mission Bay on April 25, 2019. The show will take place at the Fisher Ballroom of the Mission Bay Conference Center from 11:00am to 1:30pm. 

Life Science Exhibits hosts Research Supplier Product Shows at top funded research campuses across the United States for the Life Science Industry. Please stop by our table and see how our lipids might be able to help you with your research! 

Life Science Exhibits: UC Davis Medical Center – April 24, 2019


Larodan will be exhibiting at the Life Science Exhibits vendor show at the UC Davis Medical Center on April 24, 2019. The show will take place at the Courtyard Marriott Sacramento Midtown, from 11:00am to 1:30pm. 

Life Science Exhibits hosts Research Supplier Product Shows at top funded research campuses across the United States for the Life Science Industry. Please stop by our table and see how our lipids might be able to help you with your research! 

Life Science Exhibits: Harvard Medical School – April 17, 2019


Larodan will be exhibiting at the Life Science Exhibits vendor show at Harvard Medical School on April 17, 2019. The show will take place at the Rotunda & Ground Floor Lobby of the Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, from 11:00am to 1:30pm. 

Life Science Exhibits hosts Research Supplier Product Shows at top funded research campuses across the United States for the Life Science Industry. Please stop by our table and see how our lipids might be able to help you with your research! 


Experimental Biology 2019 on April 6-9 in Orlando, Florida

Larodan will exhibit during the Experimental Biology (EB) annual meeting on April 6-9. The place of the exhibition is the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. Please visit us in our booth during the meeting; our booth number is #840. 

Experimental Biology (EB) is the annual meeting of five societies bringing together more than 12,000 scientists and 25 guest societies in one interdisciplinary community.

EB is the place to explore the latest cutting edge science in anatomy, biochemistry and molecular biology, investigative pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. EB welcomes everyone with interest in advancing the latest research impacting life sciences. Attendees represent scientists from academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations and industry.

This multidisciplinary, scientific meeting features plenary lectures, workshops, symposia, posters presentations, on-site career services, and exhibits spotlighting products and services integral to this professional community.

EB will be held from Apr. 6—9, 2019, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Read more about the meeting on:

Keystone Symposia: Lipidomics and Functional Metabolic Pathways in Disease, March 31 – April 4, 2019 in Steamboat Springs, Colorado


Larodan will be sponsoring the Keystone Symposia on Lipidomics and Functional Metabolic Pathways in Disease, taking place from March 13 – April 4, 2019 at the Steamboat Grand hotel in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

This Keystone Symposia conference covers areas of bioactive lipid research that have been particularly impacted by these new technologies, which may have the potential to transform precision medicine. The conference covers recent progress and perspectives in the study of bioactive lipid metabolic pathways, how these interconnect and are cross-regulated, and their involvement in the regulation of disease. The conference brings together outstanding senior and junior scientists with expertise in functions of bioactive lipids as well as those with a background in mass spectrometry lipidomics, structural biology and systems biology of lipids.

Read more about the meeting at:

The Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting on March 2-6 in Baltimore, Maryland

Larodan will exhibit during the 63rd Annual Meeting of The Biophysical Society in Baltimore, Maryland on the 4th of March 2019. Please come visit our booth on the 4th of March, our booth number is #716. 

We will also host a jog during the event, sign up in advance to secure your spot! 

The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting

As science becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting continues its long-held reputation for bringing together leading scientists from the all over the world who work at the interface of the life, physical, and computational sciences. 

The dynamic five-day Meeting provides attendees with opportunities to share their latest unpublished findings and learn the newest emerging techniques and applications.

Despite its nearly 6,500 attendees, the Meeting is noted for maintaining its “small meeting” feel beginning with the Saturday subgroup symposia, which allow attendees to meet within their scientific communities. It is also known for its vitality, demonstrated by the over 900 highly interactive daily poster presentations, the more than 500 speakers selected from submitted abstracts, the many career development programs for those working in academia, industry, and agencies throughout the world, and its advocacy and education programs.


Read more about the meeting on:

EJTEM­M2018 on December 12-14 in Helsinki, Finland


EJTEMM2018. Larodan will sponsor and participate in THE 6TH EUROPEAN JOINT THE­OR­ET­ICAL/ EX­PER­I­MENTAL MEETING ON MEM­BRANES on 24th and 25th of December. 

EJTEMM2018 at the University of Helsinki is an interdisciplinary meeting, which will gather together both experimentalists and theoreticians, mainly from Europe. Its main aim is to enable the exchange of information, discussion, and presentation of results related to lipid membrane based systems, namely: investigating the structural, dynamic and functional aspects of biomembranes and their models using experimental, computational and theoretical approaches. The goal of the sixth EJTEMM meeting, as with the previous five meetings, is to strengthen links between groups and promote better understanding between experimentalists and theoreticians. The scientific programme will include both oral and poster presentations and a significant amount of time will be devoted to discussions.

For further information please visit:

You are more than welcome to come and speak with us during the event and we hope to establish new relations and connections during the course of the two days we are in Helsinki. For further information about our products visit: Our Lipids or Shop 

ASCB|EMBO Meeting on December 8-12 in San Diego, CA

Larodan exhibits at the 2018 ASCB|EMBO meeting, focusing on general cell biology along with more specialized fields, such as neurobiology and stem cell biology. The meeting will take place on December 8-12, 2018 in San Diego, CA. Please come see us to discuss your needs and how Larodan’s research grade lipids can help meet them!

NIH Fall Research Festival on November 1-2 in Bethesda, MD

Larodan exhibits at the 2018 NIH Fall Research Festival. The event takes place on September 12-14, 2018 in Bethesda, MD. Please stop by our table in the Exhibit tent on Thursday and Friday to meet and discuss what we can do for your research with Larodan’s research grade lipids!

MichBio 2018 Expo on October 29-30 in Ypsilanti, MI

Larodan exhibits at the 2018 MichBio Expo. MichBio brings together a diverse group of companies across Michigan’s bio-industry. The expo takes place on October 29-30, 2018 in Ypsilanti, MI. Stop by our table to discuss how our products might be able to help you! 

Nordic Lipid Forum on October 24-25 in Ålesund, Norway

Nordic Lipid Forum

Larodan will take part in a seminar on “High Quality Lipid Products – Lipid Oxidation and Sensory properties” in Ålesund, Norway (24th and 25th of October).

The host of the event is The Nordic Lipid Forum. The Nordic Lipid forum is a professional arena for people interested in lipids in the five Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Moreover, the forum should benefit both scientists and companies involved by having a common meeting place and a system for exchange of knowledge. Read more about them here:

Please come by to talk about what our research grade lipids can do for your research, product development, and quality work. Larodan provides a broad range of lipid reference standards and reagents for food, food ingredients, food oils, and oil chemistry applications. 





European Lipidomics Meeting on September 26-29 in Leipzig, Germany

Larodan exhibits at the 7th European Lipidomics Meeting, which takes place in Leipzig on September 26-29 2018. Please visit us and learn more about what Larodan can do for your research in lipidomics. Larodan makes a comprehensive range of research grade lipids for use as analytical standards and reagents with customers all over the world. Our products include all kinds of lipids, from simple fatty acids and methyl esters to complex oxylipins, glycerides and phospholipids.

About the Meeting
“After six successful meetings in the past we have the pleasure to invite you to the 7th “European Lipidomics Meeting” to be held at Leipzig University. Leipzig is a vibrant metropolis in the heart of former East Germany. It is well known for its cultural history and famous for its trade fairs and exhibitions.The Leipzig University, one of Europe’s eldest universities, looks back to a long tradition. Many famous names are associated with Leipzig and its university, e.g. Bach, Mendelssohn, Goethe, Lessing, Leibniz, Debye, Ostwald, Bloch, Hertz, and Heisenberg. In fall 2018, we look forward to a meeting which assembles scientists working in the field of lipidomics and all aspects of lipid metabolism and lipid analysis.”

Euro Fed Lipid congress on September 16-19 in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Larodan sponsors and exhibits at the 16th Euro Fed Lipid congress which takes place on September 16-19 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Please come by to talk about what our research grade lipids can do for your research, product development and quality work. Larodan provides a broad range of lipid reference standards and reagents for food, food ingredients, food oils and oil chemistry applications.  And don’t forget to sign up for our Morning Jog (or Run or Walk) which takes place in the morning of Tuesday September 18!

About EuroFed Lipid
Euro Fed Lipid is a federation of 13 scientific associations concerned with Lipids, Fats and Oils. The federation represents 2000 individuals and companies.
Its mission is the furthering of lipid science and technology and the cooperation and exchange of ideas between scientists and technologists at a European level.
The activities of Euro Fed Lipid include the organisation of international congresses at varying venues, the co-organisation of the fair “oils+fats” and the publishing of the “European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology”.

About the congress
The Lipids Group of the SCI will host the 2018 Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The SCI Lipids Group was formed in 1951 as the Oils & Fats Group, is a founding member of Euro Fed Lipid and previously hosted an EFL Congress in 2004 in Edinburgh, Scotland, which was very successful.
The theme of the meeting in Belfast will be the application of science, technology and nutrition to address the issues arising in our constantly changing world. As well as the usual Euro Fed Lipid Division streams, we will include a stream focussed on dairy fats, since this represents a large industry in Ireland.
The Congress will be held in the attractive Belfast Waterfront, a purpose-built entertainment and conference centre. Of course, while the venue and lecture contents are important, there will be time for networking and catching up with friends, old and new.

ICBL on September 4-7 in Helsinki Finland

Larodan sponsors and exhibits at the 59th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids. The conference takes place on September 4-7, 2018 in in Helsinki, Finland. Please come by us and see what we can do for you in research grade fatty acids, oxylipins, phospholipids and sphingolipids.

About the Conference
“Welcome to the 59th ICBL conference in Helsinki on September 4-7, 2018, titled ’Lipid Fluxes and Metabolism – From Fundamental Mechanisms to Human Disease’. At this meeting leading specialists, covering the field of lipid biology from intracellular lipid transport and metabolism to the roles of lipids in inflammation and as biomarkers for human health and disease, will gather together. Our aim is to generate a uniquely stimulating scientific event that opens new perspectives to the fundamental functional roles of lipids and their disturbances in human physiology and disease. The venue and the conference hotels at the heart of Helsinki will provide the delegates an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beautiful city by the Baltic sea.”

Nordic Metabolomics Conference on August 26-28 in Örebro, Sweden

Larodan exhibits at the 1st Nordic Metabolomics Conference, which is the inaugural annual meeting of the newly established Nordic Metabolomics Society. The conference takes place on August 26-28, 2018 in Örebro, Sweden. Please meet us to discuss what we can do for your research with Larodan’s research grade lipids and with Cambridge Isotope Labs’ stable isotope labeled compounds.

About the conference
“Welcome to the 1st Nordic Metabolomics Conference, which is the inaugural annual meeting of the newly established Nordic Metabolomics Society. 
The conference aims to highlight and discuss the latest metabolomics research in the Nordic countries and abroad. The meeting will start with a welcome reception in the evening of Sunday, August 26th and end in the afternoon of August 28th. The meeting will also host the 1st General Assembly of the Nordic Metabolomics Society.” Learn more at

Finnish NMR Symposium on June 13-15 at Hotel Korpilampi, Finland

Larodan and its principal Cambridge Isotope Laboratories sponsors the XL Finnish NMR Symposium. The conference takes place at Hotel Korpilampi, Finland, on June 13-15, 2018. Please contact us in person during the conference to discuss how Larodan’s research grade lipids and stable isotope labeled compounds can contribute to tour research.

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories

ISSFAL 2018 on May 27-31 in Las Vegas

Larodan exhibits at The 13th Congress Of The International Society For The Study Of Fatty Acids And Lipids (ISSFAL). Please come by and visit our booth.

AOCS 2018 Annual Meeting on May 6-9 in Minneapolis

Larodan exhibits at the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis on May 6-9, 2018. Come by and visit us. We also sponsor the 5K run/jog/walk in the morning of Tuesday May 8. Sign up up an join us.